Thursday, June 6, 2013


I wanted to share a little clip with everyone that hits close to home! Unfortunately I couldn't put the clip directly on here, but I do have the link that will lead you straight to it as well as the article I want to share.

 I am proud to be a High Point Panther and its campus is extraordinary because of people such as these!

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Exciting News!

Many exciting (and stressful) things have happened this week for me! For starters, I just got approved to become a volunteer at a local hospital where I will be helping out in their Cancer Institute! I was hoping for a position in their pharmacy, but unfortunately there have been many strict rules being put in place with who can work in the pharmacy so I was not able to do my work there, but I think the Cancer Institute is still an amazing opportunity! I've always loved volunteering at summer camps and pre-schools, but I feel like this position will give me the chance to truly make a difference and help someone!

Another exciting thing is the PharmCAS opened yesterday! PharmCAS is a application service for Pharmacy Schools. instead of applying individually to each school that you are trying to get in, PharmCAS has you make one application and collects everything you need (personal statements, background info, letters of recommendation, etc.) and it will send your application to each of the schools that you wish. It is a huge time saver, but also SUPER stressful! It will be a busy few weeks for me trying to get everything situated for this, but it is a big step towards my future!

Lastly, I officially got a job at a local CVS! Work will be starting early next week, but I am super excited for it all to begin!!!

I hope all of you are having a wonderful week like I am!

Monday, June 3, 2013

The Issue With Cell Phones

After spending a few months without the real use of a cell phone while abroad I have come to realize that as useful as it is to have them sometimes, they aren't essential to life. I don't feel attached to my cell phone like I once was back in high school when I practically slept with the thing. Becoming "un-attached" to my cell phone has definitely made me more relaxed. I am not checking on it constantly or keeping my inbox busy with e-mails, texts, etc. Don't get me wrong, my cell phone does provide me with my own little "safety cushion" when I'm out on my own if an emergency comes up (that and my pepper spray haha).  
I feel that everyone needs to take a few minutes from their cell phones daily. The world will not stop (I promise!) Here are few things that I do daily to give me a break from social media:
- Leave your phone in another room while you do an activity of some type (cleaning, cooking, whatever!)
- Keep your phone away from you at night so you won't be tempted to stay up constantly "catching up" on the things you've missed throughout the day
- When you're driving around town have your phone in your purse and away from you so that you have time to clear your head (and focus on driving, of course)

These are things that I always try to do so that way I keep a barrier between me and the cell phone. Cell phones shouldn't dictate you're life :)

Friday, May 31, 2013


I decided a few years ago that being a young adult and being sick just sucks. There is no one that has to stay home with you and take care of you (cough cough moms or dads). Instead you are sick and by yourself most of the time, which is what I personally hate the most about being sick. Over the years though I've found a few things that almost always help me out on a day that I'm sick (besides the medicines of course).

1. Lots and Lots of Pillows: This may be just me, but I love be surrounded by soft pillows when I'm feeling my worst. It gives me a feeling of comfort and relaxation, which is what I desperately seek.
2. Hot Chocolate: I'm not a tea or coffee drinker what-so ever, but I do love a good cup of hot chocolate. Especially on days when my throat is sore, Hot Chocolate always soothes the back of my throat. Plus is a good excuse to pop out a marshmallow or two if the stomach isn't hurting (which in that case I replace my hot chocolate craving with Sprite or 7up)
3. A Good Book: In order to sleep through the bad days I usually need to read something to "shut-off" my mind. 
4. Movies: Being a girl and all, sometime when I'm sick I just want to cry because I don't feel good (as we would say in my sorority, sorry not sorry). Movies are an easy way to get the tear ducts flowing. Once I've got my tears out I almost always feel a little better, or at least relieved I got the emotional roller coaster out my system. 
5. Heating Pad: When every my stomach does hurt, I find putting a heat padding on it sometimes makes it feel better. I am no doctor, so this could just be some sort of psychological mind game my body plays on me. This one here is a home-made rice heating pad that my mom made ages ago. 

If you have anything special that makes you sick days seem not so bad, feel free to share!

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Fake Tan Mishap

I just recently got back from spending the semester in London, England and as much as I loved traveling and seeing everything in that area there were two things I drastically missed: American food and the sun. I use to think people exaggerated about how gloomy and grey the London area was. How could a place be so popular and yet so "blah"? Well let me tell you, the grey and gloominess is not an exaggeration. 

Towards the end of the semester I was practically the same tone as my white t-shirts because of how little the sun was out (I can honestly think of maybe 6 days when the sun was visible). It was dreadful, especially since I don't particularly tan easily in the first place so I knew it was going to take me all summer to regain some sort of color. When I got home, I thought I could cheat and use some fake tanner to help darken up my tone just a bit. I honestly thought I was super clever and that it would be easy. 

For those of you that have never attempted to use a fake tanner, its not easy. I found this out after having bright orange streaks running down my legs, one of half of one of my arms was tanned, and I forgot to wash the lotion off my hands. So my first few days back in the states consisted of me walking around like a badly painted umpa lumpa. 

I have now learned better techniques and lotions to use in order to avoid the same mistakes from occurring again, however I think I have decided that I just need to suck it up and gradually earn some color the old fashioned way.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Summer Readings

I've been doing a TON of reading these past couple of months and so far all the books I have read have been great! I just finished The Immortal Life of Heneritta Lacks by Rebecca Skloot. This isn't one of my favorite books, but it is still a good read and interesting. To give you an idea, its a biography on the woman whose cell's lead to many of the medical discoveries we are aware of today! It goes into some ethical questioning about the way medical studies were conducted and how much has changed since that time as well. I would definitely recommend this book to anyone that is interested in medicine or science in general or for people that enjoy biographies! If you don't enjoying reading those things, then this probably is not the book for you. But it is always worth a shot!

I've just began The Age of Miracles by Karen Thompson Walker and I'm already loving it! If you want to stalk me a little more and find out what books I've read, liked/dislike, and hope to read in the future you can find me on GoodReads!

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Present Circumstances

This quote was used today in the Today's Kathie Lee and Hoda segment. There are many reasons I love this quote. One, being that Nido Qubein is the President of the university I attend (High Point University) and I find him to be such an inspiration! A second reason I love this quote is because I feel that it really applies to the stage I am in my life right now.

There are many things bad going on in the world these days and there are many obstacles that we will have to face, but these are just a starting line for us. We make our own decisions and choose our own destinations. With a little bit of "elbow grease" we will be just fine.